PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa will meet Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah today to discuss the possibility of forming a political front to push for dissolution of the Perak assembly.
Husam said today he will also meet other parties that have expressed support for a state elections in Perak to end the crisis which started when Barisan Nasional (BN) took over the state in February after three Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers defected.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Return of the king...
'In the Perak crisis court cases, if the final judgment favours BN, it would mean that the king and the sultans have the power to dismiss a PM or MB without going through parliament or assembly proceedings'.
We don't want a bunch of hypocrites
People laugh when I mention Perak
We don't want a bunch of hypocrites
People laugh when I mention Perak
Friday, May 15, 2009
Perak: Perbincangan BN-Pakatan mesti 'sama-sama menang'
Perbincangan antara BN dan Pakatan Rakyat berhubung kemelut politik di Perak perlu berlandaskan kepada konsep 'sama-sama menang', kata Ketua Penerangan Umno negeri Datuk Saarani Mohamad.
Beliau yang juga exco kerajaan negeri berkata, ia perlu menguntungkan dan memberi kesejahteraan kepada rakyat Perak
Beliau yang juga exco kerajaan negeri berkata, ia perlu menguntungkan dan memberi kesejahteraan kepada rakyat Perak
Perak: Jangan salahkan saya, kata Najib
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menegaskan Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah tidak harus dipersalahkan dalam kemelut politik di Perak kerana baginda telah mengamalkan prinsip dan semangat demokrasi yang sama ketika melantik Menteri Besar daripada pembangkang dan juga BN.
Perdana Menteri berkata beliau sendiri juga tidak harus dipersalahkan kononnya menjadi punca kepada krisis itu yang sudah berlarutan lebih tiga bulan.
Perdana Menteri berkata beliau sendiri juga tidak harus dipersalahkan kononnya menjadi punca kepada krisis itu yang sudah berlarutan lebih tiga bulan.
Peguam tuntut Musa, Hisham letak jawatan...
Majlis Peguam menuntut peletakan jawatan ketua polis negara dan menteri dalam negeri, ekoran penahanan lima rakan peguam mereka pada 7 Mei lalu.
Kelima mereka ditahan kerana didakwa menyertai perhimpunan haram sewaktu mahu memberi khidmat guaman kepada sekumpulan individu yang ditahan kerana menyertai acara nyalaan lilin bagi menyokong aktivis Bersih, Woang Chin Huat, yang ditahan di bawah Akta Hasutan.
Quit now, lawyers tell IGP, home minister
Opportunity to stop the Perak runaway train this week
BN and Najib were presented with an opportunity to stop the Perak runaway train this week. The High Court's decision on Monday to declare Nizar as the rightful menteri besar and Nizar's call for fresh state elections offered a way out of the mess.
For sure, the outcome would not have been ideal because fresh state elections would undoubtedly see the ruling coalition get soundly defeated at the ballot box.
Still, it would have removed Perak from the national agenda and allowed the ruling coalition to focus its attention on renewing its appeal among voters
For sure, the outcome would not have been ideal because fresh state elections would undoubtedly see the ruling coalition get soundly defeated at the ballot box.
Still, it would have removed Perak from the national agenda and allowed the ruling coalition to focus its attention on renewing its appeal among voters
NG KOK KIAM | 5月14日 下午3点37分
ALEX LIM | 5月14日 下午3点54分
Mahu jumpa tapi pilih bubar DUN
Pakatan Rakyat sepakat menyatakan kesediaan bertemu Datuk Seri Najib Razak demi mengukuhkan demokrasi dan institusi kerajaan dalam mencari penyelesaian kemelut politik Perak.Bagaimanapun mereka juga percaya langkah terbaik adalah melalui pembubaran DUN dan pilihanraya semula peringkat negeri seperti disarankan oleh beberapa pihak, termasuk ahli politik BN dan Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Suhakam).
The ball is in sultan's court
Public pressure is once again on Perak Sultan Azlan Shah to dissolve the State Legislative Assembly and call for fresh state elections to break the three-month-long political impasse.
Pressed to make decisive decision
Najib: BN will leave it to the sultan
Pressed to make decisive decision
Najib: BN will leave it to the sultan
Speaker vs Speaker - Round 2
The Perak political crisis has now shifted to a court battle over the legislative assembly speaker's chair, with ousted Perak state assembly speaker V Sivakumar, is seeking two court injunctions against his replacement.
Move to stymie emergency sitting
Damages for 'assault and battery'
Move to stymie emergency sitting
Damages for 'assault and battery'
what do you mean by ‘mutual respect' ?
The Dark Knight: Mr PM dude, if you can even conceive the idea of setting up some conditions it will simply mean that you're not ready to talk to Pakatan. And what do you mean by ‘mutual respect' when you're not respecting the people's will for a snap elections? This simply shows that you're just scared out of your skin and that you simply do not respect the people's wishes. And when you said ‘for us to explore all possibilities', I bet you only mean possibilities that benefit you and your little regime.
New illegally installed speaker
Tetraigrat: I real feel dejected reading the new illegally installed speaker Ganesan's case. Looks like all BN Adun from Perak have been given the script to say the same things without even missing a full stop.My dear speaker Ganesan, even if I agree to all the points you raised of being legally appointed, just tell me one thing - has the assembly convened for the day for BN to push the motion to sack Sivakumar? The assembly had yet to start with the royal address and yet you stood in one corner of the hall and declared yourself the speaker. Is switching off the microphone of Sivakumar while he is speaking and dragging him out like a sack of potatoes (as everyone puts it) in any legal aspect right?
It's a joke of the day
Doraisamy: It's a joke of the day. When you can even qualify as a state assembly person, what credibility to you have to be a speaker, Ganeson?. Use your head before you talk, not your feet.
Disgrace to the noble legal profession
JK: Ganeson being a lawyer as well as an ex-wakil rakyat should have exercised professionalism in the assembly. But he has, in fact, brought about disgrace to the noble legal profession and failed to recognise that the speaker of the day, Sivakumar, was officially endorsed by the ruler of Perak.Sivakumar did not parachute into his position unlike Ganeson who was merely appointed.Ganeson has, in fact, has shown no respect for a speaker, the noble house and as well as for the rakyat (of Perak) in general.Such an attitude does not fit a statesman and does not reflect well for our beloved nation.This is an utter disgrace.
He is so thick-skinned
Churchill: Zambry was so proud that he gets to become MB again after the dubious court of appeal judge granted him a stay of execution. I don't understand this man. He is so thick-skinned and even having the gall to liken his struggle as similar to Mandela's and Gandhi's. Doesn't he understand that the entire Perak rakyat and possibly the whole of Malaysia do not want his leadership?
Malaysia boleh. Our half-past six judiciary, lagi boleh!
Andrew: Wow! When Zambry files an appeal, the Court of Appeal falls over itself and grants him an urgent hearing in under 12 hours. But when Nizar files an appeal, the court cannot even set a date to hear his application. What consistency! What noble justice! Malaysia boleh. Our half-past six judiciary, lagi boleh!
M'sians politically more mature now
The open, public debate and outcry on the Perak crisis are signs of a rapidly maturing political thinking of Malaysians, especially among the young and middle-aged citizens, said an academician today.
Palace must be bold in making decision
Voters, not judges, must decide
Palace must be bold in making decision
Voters, not judges, must decide
Anwar: We are ready to meet too
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Soi Lek backs fresh polls in Perak
MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has joined several of his Barisan Nasional (BN) colleagues in calling for a fresh state election to resolve the political quagmire in Perak.
“Personally, I feel that a fresh state election will be the best way to resolve this stalemate, Let the rakyat decide and once and for all, we resolve this problem, which is not doing anybody any good,” said Dr Chua in an entry on his blog on Tuesday.
The former health minister also says that appealing the High Court ruling declaring Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin as the rightful mentri besar could be a long drawn-out affair.
Other BN leaders that have called for fresh polls to resolve the stalemate include Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan, Umno MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Dr Hsu Dar Ren, a central committee member of Gerakan.
“Personally, I feel that a fresh state election will be the best way to resolve this stalemate, Let the rakyat decide and once and for all, we resolve this problem, which is not doing anybody any good,” said Dr Chua in an entry on his blog on Tuesday.
The former health minister also says that appealing the High Court ruling declaring Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin as the rightful mentri besar could be a long drawn-out affair.
Other BN leaders that have called for fresh polls to resolve the stalemate include Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan, Umno MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Dr Hsu Dar Ren, a central committee member of Gerakan.
Dr M: Pakatan will win Perak snap polls
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Pakatan Rakyat would win a snap state election in Perak and thus he is against it being held to resolve the political impasse.
Waste of money too
Okay to talk with Pakatan
Waste of money too
Okay to talk with Pakatan
Perak: Najib sedia berbincang dengan Pakatan
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata beliau bersedia mengadakan perbincangan dengan Pakatan Rakyat untuk menyelesaikan krisis politik di Perak.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, tidak harus ada sebarang prasyarat untuk mengadakan perbincangan tersebut dan ia harus terbuka untuk menerokai semua kemungkinan.
Najib ready for talks with Pakatan
苏丹定夺 !!!
7 Mei 'hari memalukan'
Kit Siang menyifatkan tanggal 7 Mei sebagai 'hari yang memalukan; dan sebagai 13 Mei yang baru apabila SpeakerSivakumar diseret keluar daripada DUN Perak dan stesen TV dilarang menyiarkan gambar insiden tersebut.
"Tiada lagi 13 Mei, tetapi 7 Mei - hari yang memalukan," katanya, sambil menyifatkan pelik keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan membenarkan penangguhkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi - yang mengisytiharkan Nizar sebagai menteri besar Perak yang sah - dalam masa yang singkat.
"Takut kalah"
Anwar cabar Najib adakan p'raya di Perak
Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata kemelut politik di Perak bukanlah isu perundangan yang boleh diselesaikan di mahkamah.
Sebaliknya, beliau yang juga ketua umum PKR berkata, ia hanya boleh diselesaikan melalui pilihanraya yang bebas dan adil.
"Penyelesaiannya bukan pada istana atau mahkamah, tetapi mahkamah rakyat yang akan menentukannya," katanya.
Sehubungan itu, Anwar mencabar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak supaya mengadakan pilihanraya baru di Perak bagi menyelesaikan kemelut politik sekarang.
Pemimpin Pakatan bincang krisis Perak hari ini
Para pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat akan mengadakan perjumpaan hari ini bagi membincangkan isu berhubung krisis politik Perak.
Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur, Lim Kit Siang berkata, perbincangan itu bagi menentukan langkah seterusnya.
Pemimpin DAP itu memberita pemberita demikian selepas menghadiri satu froum umum di Petaling Jaya malam tadi, lapor Bernama.
Katanya, krisis Perak bukan sesuatu yang bersifat kenegerian semata-mata.
Sebaliknya, tambah beliau, adalah krisis yang menggambarkan perlembagaan dan institusi negara.
Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur, Lim Kit Siang berkata, perbincangan itu bagi menentukan langkah seterusnya.
Pemimpin DAP itu memberita pemberita demikian selepas menghadiri satu froum umum di Petaling Jaya malam tadi, lapor Bernama.
Katanya, krisis Perak bukan sesuatu yang bersifat kenegerian semata-mata.
Sebaliknya, tambah beliau, adalah krisis yang menggambarkan perlembagaan dan institusi negara.
'Why fear snap polls, Najib?'
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
为什么国阵还是霸着权力不放 ?
他也质问总检察署,为何两名独立州议员--美冷州议员贾玛鲁丁(Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi)和章卡遮令州议员莫哈末奥斯曼(Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu)的贪污案一拖再拖,至今已超过1年仍未开审。
So who’s the boss in Perak?
One says he is still the rightful mentri besar but vacates the office. The other says he will resume his duties as mentri besar but will not say when he will move back into the office.
So who's really the mentri besar of Perak now? Neither side wants to appear desperate to cling on to power now and are instead talking about respecting the rule of law.
So who's really the mentri besar of Perak now? Neither side wants to appear desperate to cling on to power now and are instead talking about respecting the rule of law.
The courts were not the right place to decide who is the legitimate government of Perak.
Some issues can be solved by a court of law, but the Perak crisis is not one of them. The back and forth events of the past week demonstrate this fact abundantly. The Perak crisis cannot be solved by a decision of the court because it is at heart a political rather than a constitutional problem. There is really no doubt about what the Constitution says."
The only way out of the Perak crisis, the former finance minister said, was to dissolve the state assembly and hold a "free and fair" election.
"Perhaps our political leadership has not understood how important it is that the people’s voice must prevail, and be seen to prevail, in the choice of their government," he said.
The only way out of the Perak crisis, the former finance minister said, was to dissolve the state assembly and hold a "free and fair" election.
"Perhaps our political leadership has not understood how important it is that the people’s voice must prevail, and be seen to prevail, in the choice of their government," he said.
Penang Gerakan urges fresh polls
Penang Gerakan has joined the growing number of voices calling for fresh polls in Perak as the best way out of the current political crisis and urged Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir to stop the legal wrangling by dissolving the state legislative assembly.
Yesterday, Umno MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Dr Hsu Dar Ren, a central committee member of Gerakan, had also pushed for a state election in Perak as the best solution to the current imbroglio.
Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan stressed today that by giving back the people "who obviously want a say in the matter" the power of choosing their government, BN can once again show that it upholds the principle of democracy and that it has the best interest of the people at heart.
Yesterday, Umno MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Dr Hsu Dar Ren, a central committee member of Gerakan, had also pushed for a state election in Perak as the best solution to the current imbroglio.
Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan stressed today that by giving back the people "who obviously want a say in the matter" the power of choosing their government, BN can once again show that it upholds the principle of democracy and that it has the best interest of the people at heart.
Zambry resumes duty, but as what?
Suhakam menggesa pembubaran DUN
Mengulas perkembangan sama, Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Suhakam) juga menggesa pembubaran DUN dan seterusnya pilihanraya untuk menyelesaikan kemelut politik Perak."Mungkin sudah tiba masanya untuk rakyat di Perak diberikan peluang untuk menggunakan hak mereka sekali lagi untuk memilih kerajaan pilihannya, iaitu hak asasi manusia," kata pengerusinya Tan Sri Abu Talib Osman.Hanya sebuah kerajaan yang stabil akan mampu memastikan hak untuk keamanan dan pembangunan, tambahnya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Ku Li setuju pilihanraya semula di Perak
Pemimpin berpengalaman Umno menyokong tindakan menteri besar Pakatan Rakyat di Perak mengusulkan kepada istana agar membubarkan DUN bagi mengatasi kemelut politik sejak Februari.Mengulas keputusan mahkamah memberi semula jawatan menteri besar kepada Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah berkata pembubaran "satu-satunya cara" keluar daripada krisis tersebut.
Perak battle moves to Court of Appeal
In contrary to the tight security at the Perak state secretariat yesterday, this morning the situation at the state's centre of power was much calmer.
Nizar to overturn stay order
Police security at SUK eased
Nizar to overturn stay order
Police security at SUK eased
MCA, Gerakan want fresh polls
As the imbroglio in Perak grows messier with each passing day, Barisan Nasional leaders are also growing weary and some agree with Pakatan Rakyat’s demand for a fresh polls.
'Not doing anybody any good'
DPM declines to rule out fresh polls
'Not doing anybody any good'
DPM declines to rule out fresh polls
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Nizar ke istana, harap dapat bubar DUN
Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin - yang mendapat semula jawatan menteri besar Perak - kembali bertugas hari ini di bangunan sekretariat dengan kawalan ketat polis. Beliau hadir bersama barisan exconya dan juga Speaker DUN, V Sivakumar, yang digugurkan dalam persidangan paling kecoh, Khamis lalu.
Zambry berjaya tangguh keputusan mahkamah
Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini membenarkan permohonan Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir untuk menangguhkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur semalam yang mengisytiharkan Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai menteri besar Perak yang sah.Penangguhan keputusan mahkamah itu diberikan sementara menunggu selesai rayuan yang dikemukakan oleh Zambry berhubung perkara tersebut.
Ku Li sokong DUN Perak dibubar
Pemimpin berpengalaman Umno menyokong tindakan menteri besar Pakatan Rakyat di Perak mengusulkan kepada istana agar membubarkan DUN bagi mengatasi kemelut politik sejak Februari.Mengulas keputusan mahkamah memberi semula jawatan menteri besar kepada Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah berkata pembubaran "satu-satunya cara" keluar daripada krisis tersebut."Kita berharap Sultan memperkenan untuk membubarkan DUN. Ia bukan sahaja tindakan sewajarnya, tetapi satu-satunya cara keluar daripada krisis yang membelit Perak, merosakkan keluhuran undang-undang, mencalarkan badan kehakiman, polis dan perkhidmatan awam negeri, dan mencemarkan sistem beraja di mata umum," kata bekas naib presiden Umno itu di blognya.
Nizar back to work, seeks audience with regent
A large contingent of riot police took up positions at the state secretariat building in Ipoh as Perak Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin returned to office.
Nizar and 8 excos allowed in
Zambry has applied for a stay too
Nizar and 8 excos allowed in
Zambry has applied for a stay too
Zambry gets stay order, state in limbo
The Court of Appeal has granted a stay of execution on yesterday's High Court decision which recognised Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as the rightful Perak menteri besar.
Nizar asked to vacate office
Appeal date not fixed
Nizar asked to vacate office
Appeal date not fixed
Perak MB suspends state secretary, legal adviser
Hours after being reinstated as the legitimate government of Perak, Pakatan Rakyat got back to business by suspending state secretary Abdul Rahman Hashim and state legal adviser Ahmad Kamal Shahid.The two officials, who have been key allies of Barisan Nasional in the ongoing Perak political crisis, were suspended with immediate effect during an emergency state executive council (exco) meeting last night.
Not a form of revenge
'Happy birthday, Umno'
Not a form of revenge
'Happy birthday, Umno'
Najib would heed Tengku Razaleigh's view
Ooi: Tengku Razaleigh deserves to be called a real leader among all BN and UMNO politicians. He is wise and willing to face up to the truth. At the onset of the crisis he had already said that Zambry is never the legal MB. Only BN refused to listen to his advice. If only they had and allow the assembly to be dissolved, the crisis would long be over. Perakians could get on with their lives.At this point in time, let us hope that Najib would heed Tengku Razaleigh's view. Forget about appealing against the court decision. Have a fresh election and save the Perakians of no more agony and uncertainties.
I am still proud of the Perak monarchy
Baiyuensheng: There are so much criticism upon the Perak monarchy, either in the newspapers or the forums that I feel strongly to say a few personal thoughts -- that the Perak monarchy and the Sultan is still the best among the royal houses. They are well educated, far-sighted and have always have the rakyat and the country at heart. They are the most learned royals and carried themselves with humility without the air of arrogance. We should all be refrained in throwing comments unnecessarily. Decision, rightly or wrongly has been made in whatever circumstances that we did not have the privilege be in and understand the details.I am still proud of the Perak monarchy, even-though I am not a Perakian. I prayed that the Sultan of Perak remains strong with dignity and courageous to lead and face whatever come they may
Winner in this ugly episode
The only winner in this ugly episode is none other than Hee Yit Foong, who had since become instant millionaire through the generous-neither-here-nor-there Muslim man, Vincent Tan.Vincent Tan is not that generous if you know the truth behind his companies. Thirty percent belongs to UMNO, 30 percent to the two Tuns and 40 percent to him only. Well, he is not the only non-Malay holding UMNO's money.
Shortest serving MB
Dian: So now the ball is on Nizar's court. So will Raja Nazrin correct the wrong done by his father Sultan Azlan? My opinion is to lose face now than face another slap from the people. But then who am I to advise him that.Zambry will go down in history as the shortest serving MB. I hope he loses his MP seat too.
Perakians want to decide their fate
Peter Ooi: By now Najib should know that Perakians want to decide their fate by having a fresh election. If he feels he has the confidence of the ‘rakyat', he should not hesitate to support the dissolution of the Perak assembly. Why want to delay and cause more uncertainty for Perak? Let them decide once and for all and get on with their lives. This time around, let us hope that the Sultan of Perak will consent to the dissolution and break the impasse decisively.
Perak monarchy 'embarrassed' by imbroglio
The Perak sultan and the monarchy have been “embarrassed” by the political imbroglio following BN’s grab of the state government three months ago, said veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
Umno leaders brought odium to monarchy
It's better for BN to risk state elections
Umno leaders brought odium to monarchy
It's better for BN to risk state elections
Monday, May 11, 2009
An audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah
Federal Reserve Unit personnel and police had arrived
By 5:30pm, several truckloads of Federal Reserve Unit personnel and police had arrived at the state secretariat building in Ipoh.
“Our presence is to maintain law and order,” said Perak CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah.
“We will not allow any illegal assembly or procession by either party,” he said.
“Our presence is to maintain law and order,” said Perak CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah.
“We will not allow any illegal assembly or procession by either party,” he said.
Six executive councillors he had appointed to vacate their office
The court also ordered Zambry and the six executive councillors he had appointed to vacate their office.
An aide to Dr Zambry told the media that Perak Barisan Nasional will respect the court order and will vacate their offices at the state secretariat building immediately.
An aide to Dr Zambry told the media that Perak Barisan Nasional will respect the court order and will vacate their offices at the state secretariat building immediately.
Suspend the state legal adviser with immediate effect
He also suspended the state legal adviser with immediate effect.
Zambry said he would apply for a stay pending appeal. This was immediately rejected by the court.
Zambry said he would apply for a stay pending appeal. This was immediately rejected by the court.
Independent judiciary is absolutely essential
Everyone from both sides of the political divide would benefit from this ruling “because an independent judiciary is absolutely essential for the well-being of any country and its people.”
Nizar said that all previous decisions made by the Dr Zambry administration would be subject to review but not invalidated except for the tumultous May 7 sitting.
Nizar said that all previous decisions made by the Dr Zambry administration would be subject to review but not invalidated except for the tumultous May 7 sitting.
A great day for democracy
The High Court here ruled on Monday that Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is the rightful Perak Mentri Besar, and not Barisan Nasional’s Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.
“This is a great day for the rakyat (people) because the Law and the Constitution are the true winners,” Nizar said in a statement.
“It is a historic day for all who love democracy and it will be remembered for years and years to come. Its positive effects for revitalising parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy is tremendous,” he said.
“This is a great day for the rakyat (people) because the Law and the Constitution are the true winners,” Nizar said in a statement.
“It is a historic day for all who love democracy and it will be remembered for years and years to come. Its positive effects for revitalising parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy is tremendous,” he said.
Nizar to Zambry: Vacate your post now
Pakatan Rakyat's ousted menteri besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin has urged Barisan Nasional's Zambry Abd Kadir and six executive councillors to vacate their posts with immediate effect.
Nizar to seek audience with Sultan
Kit Siang: This is a great judgment
Nizar to seek audience with Sultan
Kit Siang: This is a great judgment
Court rules Nizar is legitimate MB
The Kuala Lumpur High Court today paved the way for a fresh round of battle in Perak by declaring that BN's Zambry Abd Kadir was not the legitimate menteri besar of Perak.
Zambry's stay application rejected
Nizar to meet sultan immediately
Zambry's stay application rejected
Nizar to meet sultan immediately
Lim Kit Siang memuji keputusan tersebut.
Sementara itu, dalam reaksinya, pemimpin DAP, Lim Kit Siang memuji keputusan tersebut.Menurutnya, ini merupakan kali pertama mahkamah memulihkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap bidang kehakiman.
Segera mengosong pejabat mereka
seorang pembantu Zambry memberitahu media bahawa BN Perak akan menghormati keputusan mahkamah dan akan segera mengosong pejabat mereka.
Nizar minta Zambry lepas jawatan MB
Nizar menteri besar sah Perak
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur mengumumkan Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai menteri besar sah Perak setelah digugurkan jawatan tersebut, awal Februari lalu.Dalam penghakimannya, hakim Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim berkata seseorang menteri besar hanya boleh dipecat melalui undi tidak percaya di DUN, seperti kes Stephen Kalong Ningkan.Hakim menambah, dalam kes pelucutan Mohamad Nizar, tiada persidangan dewan diadakan untuk meluluskan usul sedemikian.Permohonan peguam Zambry, Cecil Abraham untuk menangguhkan penghakiman tersebut ditolak oleh mahkamah.
The ruling today by Judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim took many by surprise, including Nizar.
The ruling today by Judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim took many by surprise, including Nizar.
Ragunath declined to comment if the ruling was indicative of the independence of the judiciary, only saying that the ruling was made according to the law.
He also didn’t think the judge would suffer recriminations from his ruling.
“It was a brave decision but I don’t think he’ll be punished,” said the council president.
Ragunath declined to comment if the ruling was indicative of the independence of the judiciary, only saying that the ruling was made according to the law.
He also didn’t think the judge would suffer recriminations from his ruling.
“It was a brave decision but I don’t think he’ll be punished,” said the council president.
The ruling in favour of Nizar had put everything “back at square one”
Political analyst James Chin said that the ruling in favour of Nizar had put everything “back at square one” and the only way out of the crisis was to call for a state election.
“BN wasted a lot of resources, money and time last week and it was all for nothing,” Chin told The Malaysian Insider.
The Perak political scene has been plagued with uncertainty and drama ever since BN engineered a takeover of the state in early February.
“BN wasted a lot of resources, money and time last week and it was all for nothing,” Chin told The Malaysian Insider.
The Perak political scene has been plagued with uncertainty and drama ever since BN engineered a takeover of the state in early February.
Bar Council praises latest Perak decision
The Bar Council said that the decision by the Kuala Lumpur High Court to rule that Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin is the legitimate mentri besar of Perak was the right decision and that it throws the validity of Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir’s actions over the past few months into doubt.
“It was the right decision and the only decision the court could make,” council president Ragunath Kesavan told The Malaysian Insider.
“I have always said that under the state and federal constitutions, the Sultan has the power to appoint but not the power to remove the mentri besar. The mentri besar can only be removed via a vote of no confidence or resign.”
“It was the right decision and the only decision the court could make,” council president Ragunath Kesavan told The Malaysian Insider.
“I have always said that under the state and federal constitutions, the Sultan has the power to appoint but not the power to remove the mentri besar. The mentri besar can only be removed via a vote of no confidence or resign.”
For at least 19 hours, Nizar is still Perak MB
KUALA LUMPUR, May 11 – For at least 19 hours, Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin is the legitimate Mentri Besar of Perak.
High Court judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim today ruled that that the only way to force the MB to resign is through a vote of no-confidence in the state assembly.
He rejected a plea for a stay of execution from lawyers for Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir, the Barisan Nasional politician who was installed as the chief executive of the state by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah.
Zambry’s lawyers are expected to make a beeline for the Court of Appeal tomorrow morning to obtain a stay of execution of the High Court ruling – a ruling which has added another chapter to the story of the power grab which began with the defection of three Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers in February.
But till then, Nizar is the MB of Perak.
High Court judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim today ruled that that the only way to force the MB to resign is through a vote of no-confidence in the state assembly.
He rejected a plea for a stay of execution from lawyers for Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir, the Barisan Nasional politician who was installed as the chief executive of the state by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah.
Zambry’s lawyers are expected to make a beeline for the Court of Appeal tomorrow morning to obtain a stay of execution of the High Court ruling – a ruling which has added another chapter to the story of the power grab which began with the defection of three Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers in February.
But till then, Nizar is the MB of Perak.
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