Saturday, May 9, 2009

BN people to hang themselves

“The coup d’etat would surely place the plotters and perpetrators an ignominious place in history. All the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) had to do was to give enough rope for the BN people to hang themselves.
“If it was a putsch, then like such similar events in history...they will fail. This one in Perak will fail to endear Umno and BN with the people,” Mohd Ariff wrote.
The general opinion on the street, said Mohd Ariff, was that the people were "outrightly disgusted with what is happening in Perak and for a party that hollers loudly its intentions to regain the support of the people, it has instead and ironically, done more to repel than regain support towards it.”
“Perak will become a political quicksand that will drag Datuk Seri Najib Razak in. Unless he gets out from the quicksand either by being pulled out or grabbing a pole, Perak will prove to be his political waterloo,” said Mohd Ariff.

From Umno, a voice of dissent over Perak fiasco

An Umno leader, who is a former state assemblyman in the prime minister’s Pekan constituency, has described the chaotic events in Perak yesterday as a shameful coup d’etat which could end in failure for the Barisan Nasional (BN).
Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz, who was Pulau Manis state assemblyman in Pahang until 2008, said yesterday’s events may well tighten the noose around BN

感谢国阵 !












Wakil rakyat PKR, isteri dibebas

Jarang berlaku dalam sejarah negara, gara-gara persidangan DUN Perak semalam, 117 orang ditahan polis, termasuk terpaksa meringkuk di lokap.Jumlah itu termasuk 11 orang termasuk ADUN Padungan, Dominique Ng dan isterinya yang dibebaskan hari ini selepas ditahan kerana menyertai bantahan sambil menyalakan lilin di Kuching malam tadi.





Operators to sue the police for disrupting your businesses

Shriram Venugopal: It was reported that the police went on an arresting rampage to the extent of even carting off people who were having their breakfast at restaraunts. Frankly, I stopped being surprised a very long time ago at just how low the police can go.I urge the affected restaurant owners and operators to sue the police for disrupting your businesses, harassing your customers and trespassing on your property without a warrant. I also urge the Bar Council to provide assistance to these restaurant operators in filing a civil suit. Sue them hard! Its high time those who have clearly sold their souls to the devil be taught a lesson.

Zambry had insulted the Perak royalty

Alice: Zambry had insulted the Perak royalty by convening the assembly before the Regent gave his address. Most importantly, he has successfully driven the final nail into BN's coffin. From being a non-partisan citizen, my friends, relatives and I are so repulsed by what he did yesterday, that we will now start a relentless campaign to ensure BN's demise at the next election. Well done, Zambry, you achieved hell of a lot in one day.

Abused the police force

Yih Feng Low: Seeing how BN has abused the police force, the civil service, the judiciary, the election commission and the media to stay in power in Perak, one wonders if fresh elections will be fair. The actions of BN in recent times have dealt a structural blow to the already shaky democratic foundation of Malaysia. It seems that with each passing day, hopes of a free and democratic Malaysia grows much much dimmer.

Dictatorship of a fascist regime

The Dark Knight: What all Malaysians fail to understand is that Malaysians are no longer ruled by politicians, leaders, elected officials or even morons. What Malaysians should understand today is that Malaysians are currently living under the dictatorship of a fascist regime.

They have not learned anything

Milton Yap: I would have thought that the BN would have learnt the lessons of March 2008 and try hard to earn back the hearts of the ‘rakyat'. From what happened in Perak yesterday, it is very clear they have not learned anything. The ‘rakyat' just have to be patient and in 2013 vote even forcefully to rid BN. It is a national sorrow that the infrastructure which are supposed to work for the ‘rakyat' ie, the police, the sergeant-at-arms, the state secretary, and the courts are all acting without impartiality.

Let the ‘rakyat' in Perak decide

All this unnecessary embarrassment could have been avoided. Dissolve the assembly and let the ‘rakyat' in Perak decide. Police involvement in the forceful removal of House Speaker Sivakumar is disappointing.It is sad to see how police human resources are wasted. With such a high number of personnel in place, the authority could have wiped out all the Mat Rempit over a weekend.

Look who's talking?

TCP: Look who's talking? Look which crab is trying to teach another crab to walk straight? If he has any grain of truth in him, he would not have allowed the Perak state assembly to turn into the farce that it had yesterday. He is a hypocrite and has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.

The traitor Hee Yit Fong, hear her spout her venom

Ko-han Wai: I am really surprised how some people can sleep at night after the awful things they do. Look at the traitor Hee Yit Fong, hear her spout her venom (pepper spray included). I mean who does she think she is? Asking the people to understand her, that she is only fulfilling her duties and not abusing her powers.Only defending yourself? What? By spraying people with pepper spray? And she has the cheek to openly lie by saying that she only waved her key-chain at Yew Tian Hoe (DAP-Aulong). The people are not as ignorant as you think. To end this, there is an old Chinese saying: ‘Beware of the final two years of your life'.Peter Ooi: I got goose bumps reading Hee's side of the story. Yes, Hee you did not rob the speake's power but you seized it, to put it mildly.

Cloud of suspicion

Lim Chong Leong: The release of ISA detainees is certainly welcomed but the reason for their release is under a cloud of suspicion. Is this mere eyewash to divert our attention from the Perak assembly episode? Is this government serious in abolishing the ISA? It certainly seems not since they are still trying to justify the need for ISA by announcing the detention of Mas Selamat.

I doubt our country has a bright future

From yesterday's episode, I doubt our country has a bright future. Police detained the ‘innocents', who in my opinion, do not even pose any threat to the country.From the Perak political fiasco yesterday, there is clearly no justice right now in Malaysia.‘Looking on the bright side, he is being very helpful. I'd suggest that Najib continue to do what he's best at. That will make the next general election much easier for Pakatan and the rakyat.'

Seek help from relevant international bodies

A number ‘1BlackMalaysia' day indeed. People are being thrown into prison or arrested for being in a coffee shop near the vicinity of the secretariat building, and people were arrested for wearing black.No more fence-sitting and watching our respect, self-esteem, human rights, and dignity being trodden and trampled by the powers that be. Let us seek help from relevant international bodies to scrutinise our government and check the imbalances and irregularities faced by our people here.

Stop taking the rakyat for a ride

I am utterly disgusted by the way Sivakumar was ousted by the BN ADUNs. Stop taking the rakyat for a ride. All your antics in the ‘Dewan' were relayed live to all readers on the Internet. The way power was grabbed showed that you and BN ADUNs are no better than highway robbers. Can highway robbers be lawmakers? A real joke it must be.

I urge the Pakatan government to be calm

One thing is for sure: in the next GE, it will give the people more excuses to vote for anything but BN. So, BN you can cheat now but remember it is not halal.

BN digging their own graves

The fiasco in Perak, which was created by BN, is nothing but digging their own graves. BN doesn't have the basic decorum to show that they respect the ideology of democracy.

The police should be ashamed of themselves

Is it in the police's jurisdictions to drag a house speaker out from an Assembly? The police should be ashamed of themselves, sending plainclothes policemen to drag V Sivakumar out of his chair. Two days ago, IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan said that they do not have enough police personnel to combat crimes. But it's amazing that they were able to send hundreds of police personnel to Ipoh. I do not think the Malaysian police are really concerned over the 'rakyat'.

Tearing into pieces the RM1 note

Isn't the Malaysian currency note a national property? It seems that Jelapang assembly person Hee Yit Foong has committed a serious crime by tearing into pieces the RM1 note that Yew Tian Hoe (DAP-Aulong) showered unto her.Someone please do Malaysia a favour: Lodge a police report, take this criminal to court, and strip her of her status as a state assembly person. One who has no respect for our national property is as good as a traitor. We do not need a traitor as the people's voice.

Absolutely disgusting and despicable

Absolutely disgusting and despicable that BN will resort to such repugnant and vile techniques to snatch power from the people of Perak.They will use any way or method to kidnap the power of the ‘rakyat' to feed their power-hungry pursuits. BN has just lost Perak for a whole generation. ‘1BlackMalaysia' indeed!

Appointing a circus clown as a speaker

I respect and wish to congratulate the Perak state speaker Sivakumar. He had sacrificed for the nation and especially for the Perak ‘rakyat' by sitting in his chair for almost six hours without food and easing himself.All motions passed by Barisan Nasional (BN) were illegal as the speaker Sivakumar had to pass the motion first.The circus created by BN and appointing a circus clown as a speaker, switching off the speaker's microphone and allowing police to remove the speaker are all illegal.

It's shame on Malaysian democracy

If Umno can throw away a legitimate speaker in a barbarian manner, then I don't have anything to say other than ‘demokrasi Malaysia dah masuk longkang'. But believe me, Malaysian will rectify this in the 13th general election and I'm committed to change the barbarian rule.

What is wrong with BN?

Why are they desperate for power in Perak? Is there any gold mine that is waiting to be uncorked by BN cronies in Perak? Even people having breakfast in a restaurant are arrested. Is this the kind of freedom that we voted for?I am so sad with the political developments in Perak. This is the beginning of the end of BN. When is that? The next GE. Wait and see.

You are the hero - Keadilan eclub support u..

Speaker Sivakumar, you are the hero - you da' man - ‘jantan tulen'. You have shown great courage - standing alone in battle - against the mighty combined forces of the federal government, the monarchy and the police.You did not budge - you did not waver. I had expected you to falter. After all, any ordinary man would.But you held on, demonstrating nerves of steel. And held on you did - before you were physically removed from the speaker's chair.I come to understand that you were mildly injured during the scuffle. Worry not, for you shall wear those physical scars proudly as your crowning glory for the people of Malaysia.

Hindraf release to cover Perak mess?

‘The release of ISA detainees is certainly welcomed but the reason for their release is under a cloud of suspicion. Is this mere eyewash to divert our attention?'MORE
Who does Hee think she is?
Najib has absolutely no credibility

Perak fiasco: 'Najib digging own grave'

‘Looking on the bright side, he is being very helpful. I'd suggest that Najib continue to do what he's best at. That will make the next general election much easier for Pakatan and the rakyat.'MORE
Sivakumar showed great courage
Police, be ashamed of yourselves

Friday, May 8, 2009







Hindraf trio to be set free

KUALA LUMPUR, May 8 — The authorities are expected to release 13 detainees held under the ISA, including the three remaining Hindraf leaders M. Manoharan, P. Uthayakumar and K. Vasantha Kumar.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein announced in Putrajaya today that they would be released soon.

Sivakumar says he is still the Speaker

Ousted Perak Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar, the man at the heart of yesterday's chaotic state legislative sitting here, maintained today the controversial session of the state assembly was never convened, and that he still holds office.
"From 9.45 in the morning until I was dragged out, I hold on to one fact that as long as the 10 assemblymen do not leave the House, the proceedings will not begin," said Sivakumar.

Chaos inside, dozens arrested outside

Police arrested dozens of protesters including several legislators today outside the Perak state assembly where the government and opposition are tussling for control.
First batch released
Mayhem in the chamber

2 MB, 2 Speaker bertembung di DUN Perak

Perak terus mencatat sejarah dalam arena politik negara apabila persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) itu pagi ini kecoh ekoran pertembungan dua pihak - BN dan Pakatan Rakyat - pagi ini.Persidangan ini menyaksikan kehadiran dua menteri besar - Datuk Seri Zambry Abd kadir dari BN dan Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin dari Pakatan - dan dua set exco - juga dari BN dan Pakatan.Kekecohan pagi ini menyebabkan istiadat perasmian oleh Pemangku Raja Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah tidak dapat dimulakan, dengan baginda menunggu di Kamar Diraja.

Peguam protes peguam kena tahan

Sekumpulan 200 peguam pagi ini mengadakan perhimpunan di kompleks mahkamah Jalan Duta sebagai membantah penahanan lima rakan mereka di depan bali polis Brickfields semalam.Lima peguam itu antara 20 yang ditahan dalam perhimpunan kecil menyalakan lilin bagi menyokong Wong Chin Huat, jurucakap Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih), yang direman di balai tersebut sejak kelmarin.

Speaker DUN Perak diseret keluar

Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), V Sivakumar dibawa oleh kumpulan polis dari dalam dewan ke satu tempat yang tidak didedahkan pada petang ini.Tindakan Hanya isteri beliau dibenarkan berjumpa ADUN DAP itu.Tidak lama kemudiannya, kenderaan rasmi Speaker DUN V Sivakumar jenis Toyota Camry dengan nombor pendaftaran AFD 999 kelihatan keluar dengan seorang penumpang wanita di dalamnya.

6 jam kecoh, DUN Perak rasmi dibuka

Persidangan DUN Perak yang penuh drama dan emosi hari ini - menentukan hidup mati secara rasmi pentadbiran menteri besar Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin dan kestabilan kerajaan pencabarnya Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir - berakhir dengan titah ucapan Pemangku Raja Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah. Majlis perasmian pembukaan sidang DUN itu ditangguh beberapa jam susulan kekecohan yang berlarutan di dalam dan di luar bangunan DUN selama enam jam.










在东马,砂拉越警方也镇压在古晋举行的抗议霹雳民主死亡烛光晚会,逮捕11名人,包括公正党浮罗岸州议员黄锦河。其他被捕者还有黄锦河太太和著名部落客徐麗娜(Lina Soo)。


















被逮捕的民联国州议员包括:回教党巴里文打区国会议员姆加希(Mujahid Yusuf Rawa)、社会主义党和丰区国会议员古玛医生(Jeyakumar Devaraj)、回青团团长兼回教党古邦阁亮区国会议员沙拉胡丁(Salahuddin Ayub)、人民公正党妇女组主席兼公正党安邦国会议员祖莱达(Zuraida Kamaruddin)、社青团副团长兼雪州莲花苑州议员李映霞、行动党森美兰的马口州议员张聒翔、沉香州议员吴金财以及马六甲州爱极乐区州议员邱培栋。行动党国会领袖兼怡保东区国会议员林吉祥在下午2时指出,自从今早开始,警方已逮捕超过60人。



Wednesday, May 6, 2009










Mat Sabu pula ditahan polis

Naib Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu ditahan polis selepas jam 3 petang ini di Jalan Pahang Barat, berdekatan pejabat Harakah, dipercayai berhubung majlis solat hajat di Manjoi, Ipoh esok.Pemimpin kanan itu ditahan sekumpulan kira-kira 10 anggota polis berpakaian biasa sewaktu meninggalkan sebuah restoran menuju ke pejabat organ parti itu, kata ketua Pemuda PAS Salahuddin Ayub

Dr M: Rulers cannot remove MBs

PUTRAJAYA, May 6 — A day before the Perak state assembly endorses a palace-appointed mentri besar, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said his understanding was that any state Ruler cannot remove the head of government.
"I don't know how different the Perak Constitution is from the Federal Constitution but if a leader asks the Ruler to dissolve the assembly, the Ruler has the right to refuse. But he cannot remove the head of government either," the country's fourth prime minister told reporters today.
"The head of government will then have to function without a majority and can be removed via a motion of no confidence," said Dr Mahathir, who as prime minister led a successful move to remove the immunity of the Rulers in 1993.
He also said a state assembly speaker can be sued if there are complaints or if laws are broken. However, the judiciary cannot interfere with the speaker's decisions on its own.
"If someone makes a complaint or if there is evidence of a breach of law, the judiciary can pass judgment. If what the speaker is doing is in accordance with the law, that is quite different from rules of legislature which have certain privileges," he said, adding the judiciary can judge only if the privileges are abused.





Chua could defect 'within weeks' from MCA

MCA deputy president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s recent revelation that he is being courted by Pakatan Rakyat has triggered much alarm in Barisan Nasional (BN).
Final stand expected in MCA
How Chua could be held to ransom

3 arrested for sending birthday cake to PM's office

Three activists were arrested this morning for attempting to deliver a cake commemorating the 31st birthday of Altantuya Shaariibuu to the Prime Minister’s Office in Putrajaya.
'Happy Birthday Altantuya'
Cake squashed by the police

Bersih's Wong remanded for a day

The Kuala Lumpur magistrate's court today remanded polls reform group Bersih spokesperson Wong Chin Huat for a day and could be released as early as this evening, said lawyers.
Investigated under Sedition Act
Wong wanted Malaysians to wear black

Dr M: Sultan has no power to remove MB

Dr Mahathir Mohamad today delivered a potential hammer blow to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak by stating that the elected head of a state government cannot be removed by a sultan.
Perak situation is different
A blow to BN and Najib




约20名自称来自大马青年团结组织(Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia)的青年今早到布城首相署,要赠送一个生日蛋糕给首相纳吉,以纪念客死异乡的蒙古女郎阿旦杜亚31岁生辰。结果惊动警方如临大敌,派出40名警员阻止他们并逮捕其中三人。







