Friday, June 19, 2009

Possibly a quick conviction and back to jail

What is likely to happen when Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim goes on trial for sodomy in two weeks' time?The worst-case senario, according to Anwar, would be for him going back to prison after a quick conviction.
Currently out on RM20,000 bail
Anwar: I'm ready to face Saiful











Thursday, June 18, 2009


安华说,这份报告明显符合早前的布斯拉维医院的医药报告,否决曾发生过任何虐待或鸡奸的事件。他也在宣誓书附上这份医药报告,不过并没有提供医药报告的副本给媒体。赛夫是在6月28日报案当日,曾前往两家医院接受身体检查,即位于敦拉萨路的一家官联回教医院——布斯拉维医院,以及吉隆坡中央医院。赛夫在当天下午2点,即报案的4个小时前,先到布斯拉维医院进行检查,然后他才在同日傍晚6点,前往吉隆坡中央医院进行第二次体检,并在医院内的警亭内举报安华鸡奸他。布斯拉维医院的报告在去年7月底外泄。当时在布斯拉维医院紧急病房负责检查赛夫的是一名资深医生——莫哈末奥斯曼阿都哈密医生(Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid)。他在该份体检中,也证实赛夫没有遭到任何人鸡奸或性侵犯。


这名前副首相在宣誓书中指出,除了布斯拉维医院(Hospital Pusrawi)的医药报告,这份由3名吉隆坡中央医院专科医生准备,志期2008年7月13日的医药报告,也证明赛夫的肛门没有任何受到插入或侵犯的迹象。根据安华的宣誓书,有关医药报告表示,“没有确凿的医药检查结果能够证明病人的肛门受到侵入,以及身上没有明显的自卫性创伤”(no conclusive clinical findings suggestive of pentration to the anus and no significant defensive wound on the body of the patient)。


昨日入禀法庭申请剔除肛交案的国会反对党领袖安华,在其宣誓书中作出惊人揭露,指吉隆坡中央医院(Hospital Kuala Lumpur)对其前助理赛夫所进行的检查报告,证明后者的肛门未曾受到侵入,因此肛交案的指控根本无从证明。安华的代表律师西华拉沙,今午在国会走廊举行新闻发布会,向媒体派发安华申请剔除肛交案的宣誓书。

Peguam: Tiada bukti Anwar liwat Saiful

Peguam Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini mendedahkan bahawa kebanyakan bukti penting - yang diperlukan untuk mensabitkan ketua pembangkang itu dengan tuduhan liwat - tidak ada dalam laporan perubatan yang disediakan oleh Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

Menurut mereka, laporan perubatan itu yang dikeluarkan oleh hospital tersebut, mendedahkan bahawa tiada bukti yang menunjukkan berlaku tusukan pada dubur Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan - pengadu di mana kes jenayah itu diasaskan.

Satu salinan laporan perubatan itu disertakan bersama afidavit yang difailkan oleh Anwar semalam untuk mengetepikan tuduhan liwat terhadapnya. Kes itu akan didengar mulai 1 Julai ini.

Laporan perubatan itu bertaikh 13 Julai 2008 dan disahkan oleh tiga pakar dari hospital kerajaan tersebut.

Sebahagian daripada laporan tersebut, yang diedarkan kepada pihak media oleh peguam Anwar hari ini menyebut, tiada bukti klinikal yang konklusif yang menunjukkan berlaku tusukan di dubur dan tiada luka yang signikan pada tubuh pesakit (Mohd Saiful).

Bukti terpenting dalam tuduhan rogol atau liwat ialah menunjukkan bukti berlakunya tusukan, kata peguam Amer Hamzah Arshad.

Dan ianya tidak ada dalam kes ini, tambahnya.

HKL report: No sign of penetration

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's lawyers today disclosed that the most important element needed to stick a sodomy charge on the politician was missing from a report prepared by the Kuala Lumpur Hospital.
Report endorsed by three specialists
Sodomy case to start on July 1

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

“Mana boleh! Tak tahu Standing Order kah?

Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon had a hard time from Opposition MPs in the Dewan Rakyat when he “violated” the Standing Orders – he wanted an explanation from Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who had himself stood up to ask a query.
“Minta penjelasan (seeking clarification),” the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department asked Lim, who had just finished asking a supplementary question on why allocation for conservation work in Penang was much less than that for Malacca.
Shouts of “Mana boleh! Tak tahu Standing Order kah? (How can you do that? Don’t you know the Standing Orders?”) came from the left side of the Dewan.
Khalid Abd Samad (PAS-Shah Alam) promptly raised his hand, holding out the Standing Order.
Even Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia chuckled while Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin signalled for Dr Koh to sit down.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I hope more will join PR

He shares that some questioned his decision to join PKR, a party which they perceive as weak, but he says that he sees in PR a huge opportunity.
"We cannot allow this country to go on like it has. Those in Umno keep harping on the past and justify their actions based on what happened many decades ago. But if you keep talking about the past when can we move forward?" he said.
"I hope more will join PR. Malaysians must believe they have a role to play. That is why I joined PKR."
Zaid had also toyed with the idea of joining PAS or DAP but in the end decided that as PKR was younger, he felt he could contribute more.
"The other parties are more mature. PKR is easier to change and the potential is a lot more," he said.

Mission to make PR a strong alternative to BN

Maverick politician Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is determined to play a meaningful role in PKR and help make Pakatan Rakyat (PR) a strong alternative to Barisan Nasional (BN).
Zaid, who officially joined PKR on Saturday, said that he envisions a more democratic Malaysia where the people — and not the elites — would be in the driver's seat.
"I want people to have a choice," he told The Malaysian Insider today.
Zaid's membership is widely seen as a boost to PKR as some even perceive him to be prime minister material.
The former Kota Baru MP, however, denies having any ambitions to be prime minister. "I just want to do my bit," he says.
What he wants to do is help PR become more cohesive and hopes that the opposition coalition's three component parties, PKR, PAS and DAP will agree to the creation of a formal coalition secretariat as well as agree to share resources.
"The secretariat will try and find common positions on delicate issues and strengthen capacity building," Zaid said.
He said that he wants to play a role in the secretariat and his top priority would be to put in place a structure where the parties would have to meet regularly.
"I want to introduce a system so the parties can meet on a more formal basis and find common ground," he said.



















diperintah .....

Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin mencetuskan drama lagi sejurus selepas mengangkat sumpah sebagai anggota baru parlimen bagi Bukit Gantang pagi ini - melaungkan "hidup rakyat, bubar DUN".Dengan tujuan menarik perhatian ramai berhubung perjuangannya untuk menuntut jawatan menteri besar Perak, yang dirampas BN dalam pertukaran kerajaan pada Februari lalu, laungannya itu disambut pula oleh anggota-anggota Pakatan Rakyat dalam dewan tersebut.Akibatnya, menteri besar Pakatan Rakyat itu diperintah meninggalkan Dewan Rakyat bersama enam lagi ahli parlimen pembangkang.

kicked out.....

Seven Pakatan Rakyat parliamentarians, including newly sworn-in Bukit Gantang MP Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, were ordered out of the Dewan Rakyat this morning over their call for the Perak state assembly to be dissolved.
MPs wore 'Bubar DUN' headband
Najib was in the house